32-Form Bezeichnungen und Abbildungen
1.  Commencing
2.  Stand on One Leg and Thrust
3.  Sweep Sword in Crouch
4.  Carry Sword to the Right
5.  Carry Sword to the Left
6.  Stand on One Leg and Cut with Armswing
7.  Step Back and Withdraw Sword
8.  Stand on One Leg and Thrust
9.  Plunge Sword Downward in Empty Stance
10.Thrust in Left Bow Stance
11.Turn Round and Carry Sword
12.Retreat and Carry Sword
13.Lift Knee and Hold Sword with Both Hands

14.Hop and Thrust
15.Swing Up Sword in Left Empty Stance
16.Swing Up Sword in Right Bow Stance
17.Turn Round and Withdraw Sword
18.Thrust with Feet Together
19.Parry in Left Bow Stance
20.Parry in Right Bow Stance
21.Parry in Left Bow Stance
22.Step Forward and Plunge Backward
23.Turn Round to Cut
24.Point Sword in Right Empty Stance
25.Stand on One Leg and Hold Sword Level
26.Cut in Bow Stance
27.Cut with Armswing in Empty Stance
28.Step Back to Strike
29.Step Forward to Thrust
30.Withdraw Sword in T-Step
31.Circle Sword Horizontally
32.Thrust Forward in Bow Stance
     (Closing Form)